University of Virginia Library


RELAX - Exercise. Roller skating.
Skatetown. Every evening except
Monday, 7:30-10:30. Special late
skate Sat. night, 10:00-1:00 P.M.

My special thanks to the Cavalier
who anonymously presented me
with the red roses last week. They
were beautiful, and I appreciate the
thoughtfulness of the unknown
sender. Annette Gibbs.

"Creeper & The Ghost House". For
Holiday Party Bookings or other,
Call Howard 296-2144 or
295-6724. Looking for an unusual
Xmas present? See our Turkish
imports! Call 296-9445.

WANTED: Organ player with voice
for folk-rock group 296-6484 Bob.

Start a career before graduation
with one of the world's largest
corporations for more information
contact Mr. Robomspm

Start a career before graduation
with one of the world's largest
corporations for more information
contact Mr. Robinson at 296-7938