University of Virginia Library


POLO Club - Sunday against
Middleburg - 2:30 at Farmington
Hunt Club, Garth Road.

LAST CALL for cap and gown
orders, both graduate and undergraduate
degree candidates. Deadline
is May 15 - absolutely NO
extensions (orders should have been
placed before April 7). Director's
Office, Newcomb Hall.

ALL STUDENTS and faculty
interested in canvassing the Charlottesville
community concerning
the Indochina war please come to
Saint Thomas Hall at 9 a.m., or any
other time during the day, every
day for the rest of this week.

ANY STUDENTS and faculty
members wishing to participate in
group discussions with community
groups about recent events at the
University or about the Indochina
war, come to Saint Thomas Hall
anytime during the day or phone

FRIDAY MAY 15th will be the
last day to pick up your Corks and