University of Virginia Library


of the Corcoran Dept. of History
are now located in Randall Hall 101
and 102. Phone 7146.

Activities Funds for 1970-71 session
are now available in Student
Council offices, 4th floor of Newcomb
Hall. These requests for funds
must be turned in, with accompanying
material, by 5 p.m. April 9.

XI CHAPTER of Theta Chi
fraternity announces the pledging
of the following first-year men:
David Cralle, Mike Draffin, Craig
Hieber, Mike Jones, Rick Lawson,
Steve Miller.

COLLEGE LIFE - meeting in
gym parking lot at 6 p.m. Sunday.
Speaker: Coach Ken Campbell.
Everyone welcome.

UPWARD bound volunteer tutors:
tutorials Saturday at 10:10
a.m., 248 Cabell.

AT THE PRISM: Friday, Tim
Oksman and Bill Brown. Doors
open at 10, show at 10:20.
Saturday, Joe Latham, doors open
at 8, show at 9:15. Seventy-five
cents cover.

VA. ITALIAN Teachers Assn. is
offering a program of summer
study in Rome. It lasts one month,
$626 includes round trip fare. For
further info. call 295-3509.

THE DEADLINE for procuring
invitations and announcements for
June graduation i Friday, March
20. Orders should be placed at Main
Desk of Newcomb Hall. This is
POSITIVELY the final deadline.

VIRGINIA Players workshop
presents three one-act plays, March
22, 3 p.m., Minor Hall: "Interrogation,"
"Suppressed Desires," and
"It's Called a Sugar Plum." Free to
University community.