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Wanted - Day sitter for infant
(diaper trained), student wife preferred.

Riders wanted: from Chicago,
Jan. 5. Tom 293-4772, Chicago
phone 312-892-2846.

Riders wanted, leave Dec. 13,
Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis. Call
Bill 295-2317.

Ride Wanted: National Airport
or Washington, D.C. Friday, after
10 a.m. Mark Slegel 296-7947.

Need ride to Columbia, S.C.
either Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Call 295-1762.

Roommate wanted for 2nd semester.
Share 4 bedrooms, early
American apartment with 3 Med
Students. Convenient. 293-4024
after 8 p.m.

Law or Graduate student to
share apartment with Law Students.
1918 Jefferson Park Ave.,
No. 2. 295-4640.

Wanted: Riders to Houston Dec.
21, thru Tennessee, Arkansas. Call
Dave 296-8655.