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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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General. The standard work on the history of anarchism
is by Max Nettlau, whose works, collections, and manu-
scripts, acquired by the International Institute of Social
History in Amsterdam, are a monumental source for the
history of anti-authoritarian thought and libertarian social-
ism. Max Nettlau, Der Vorfrühling der Anarchie: Ihre histor-
ische Entwicklung von den Anfängen bis zum Jahre 1864

(Berlin, 1925); idem, Der Anarchismus von Proudhon zu
Kropotkin. Seine historische Entwicklung in den Jahren 1859-
(Berlin, 1927); idem, Anarchisten und Sozialrevolu-
tionäre: Die historische Entwicklung des Anarchismus in den
Jahren 1880-1886
(Berlin, 1931). Four more volumes dealing


with the period 1886-1914 are still unpublished. Spanish
summary: l'Anarquía a través de los tiempos (Barcelona,
1935); Max Nettlau, Bibliographie de l'Anarchie (Brussels,
1897). The most complete bibliography today is the subject
catalog on anarchism (about 18,000 titles) of the Library
of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.

Other works are: G. D. H. Cole, History of Socialist
2 vols. (London and New York, 1953-60), Vol. I:
The Forerunners, 1789-1850; Vol. II: Marxism and An-
archism, 1850-1890
(London, 1953, 1954); Paul Eltzbacher,
Anarchism: Seven Exponents of the Anarchist Philosophy
(1900; rev. ed New York, 1960); Charles Gide and Charles
Rist, A History of Economic Doctrines, 2nd. ed. (Boston,
1948); Daniel Guérin, l'Anarchisme. De la doctrine à l'action
(Paris, 1965); idem, Ni Dieu, ni maître: Anthologie historique
du mouvement anarchiste
(Paris, 1966); James Joll, The
(London, 1964); Leonard I. Krimerman and
Lewis Perry, Patterns of Anarchy: A Collection of Writings
on the Anarchist Tradition
(New York, 1966); Peter
Kropotkin, “Anarchism” in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th
ed. (London and New York, 1910-11); D. Novak, “The Place
of Anarchism in the History of Political Thought,” Review
of Politics,
20 (July 1958); George Woodcock, Anarchism,
A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements

Special works, biographies, studies. Michel Bakounine,
Oeuvres, 6 vols. (Paris, 1895-1913); idem, Werke, 3 vols.
(Berlin, 1921-24); idem, The Political Philosophy of Bakunin,
edited and compiled by G. P. Maximoff (Glencoe, Ill., 1953);
idem, Archives Bakounine (Leyden, 1961--), edition of the
complete works in progress; idem, Mémoire de la Fédération
pièces justificatives (Sonvillier, 1873); also Max
Nettlau, Bakunin. Eíne Biographie, 3 vols. (London, 1896-
1900); E. H. Carr, Michael Bakunin (London, 1937);
A. Comfort, Authority and Delinquency in the Modern State:
A Criminological Approach to the Problem of Power
don, 1950); Peter Kropotkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist
(1900; reprint New York, 1962); Kropotkin's Revolutionary
ed. Roger N. Baldwin (New York, 1927); Errico
Malatesta. “Comunismo e Individualismo,” Pensiero e Vol-
(1 April, 1926). Max Nettlau, Errico Malatesta: Das
Leben eines Anarchisten
(Berlin, 1922); idem, Elisée Reclus,
Anarchist und Gelehrter, 1830-1905
(Berlin, 1928); Pierre-
Joseph Proudhon, Les confessions d'un révolutionnaire. Pour
servir à l'histoire de la Révolution de Février
(Paris, 1849);
idem, Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle (Paris,
1851); English trans. (London, 1923); idem, l'Actualité de
Proudhon, Colloque de novembre 1965
(Brussels, 1967);
Herbert Read, Education through Art (New York, 1945);
idem, “Pragmatic Anarchism,” in Encounter, 15 (January
1968); Vernon Richards, ed., Errico Malatesta: Life and
(London, 1965); Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Cul-
(New York, 1937); idem, Pioneers of American Freedom
(Los Angeles, 1949); William Thompson, Practical Directions
for the Speedy and Economical Establishment of COM-
MUNITIES on the principles of Mutual Co-operation, United
Possessions and Equality of Exertions and of the means of
(London, 1830); Franco Venturi, Roots of Revo-
lution: A History of the Populist and Socialist Movements
in 19th-century Russia
(New York, 1960); G. Woodcock and
I. Avakumovič, The Anarchist Prince: A Biographical Study
of Peter Kropotkin
(London, 1950).


[See also Authority; Education; Equality; Freedom; Ideol-
ogy; Individualism; Law, Natural; Perfectibility; Socialism;
State; Work.]