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"Boarding out"

a tale of domestic life


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Travels and Researches of Alexander Von Humboldt;
being a condensed Narrative of his Journeys in the Equinoctial
Regions of America, and in Asiatic Russia; together
with Analyses of his more important Investigations. By
W. Macgillivray, A.M. 18mo. Engravings. 45 cents.

Humboldt is the most illustrious traveller of his day. Nothing seems
too vast, too varied, too wonderful, or too minute for the keen eye, penetrating
intellect, and unwearied exertions of this extraordinary man. A
botanist, zoologist, statist, and philosopher, the genius of this great writer
seems to have been peculiarly fitted for surveying the varieties and
immensity of the physical world; and he accordingly takes the foremost
rank of all travellers, dead or living.—Dibden.

This work has been justly called by a competent judge, “a work of gigantic
extent and richness, to which the modern literature of Europe
can hardly offer a parallel.”—Encyclopædia Americana.