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LVI. Sir William Throckmorton. A Letter to John Smyth, con- cerning the Plantation in Virginia April 10, 1619
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LVI. Sir William Throckmorton. A Letter to John Smyth, con-
cerning the Plantation in Virginia
April 10, 1619

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 6
Document in the New York Public Library. Autograph Letter, Signed, with Seal
List of Records No. 103

Sr I vnderstand by this bearer that you goe tow towards London vpon
monday next, where I intend to bee also (if please God) the weeke fol-
lowing. In the mean time let mee intreat you as soone as you come vp
to desire my cosin Thorpe to write to mee some answear of the letter I
wrote to him the weeke after my last comming from London concerning
our forrest busines, that I may vnderstand beefore my going vp what is
determined concerning the same; desiring him to send his letter by some
messenger that may conveigh it hither to mee by monday come senight
at the farthest.

I will leave order here beefore my going vp for 10li to bee delivered towards
the repairing and furnishing of our ship for Virginia, which is as much
as my 4th part (by our computation) will amount vnto for that charge:
If it shall exceed that computation, it shall bee afterwards supplied for
my part at my returne. I pray you remember to help §mee§ to 12 men
for my part according to your promise; for that these parts are so barren
of men fit for that compleiment that I must wholy relie vpon your help
therein. I wish that wee might all agree vpon the entertaining of my
cosin Will͠: Chester for our chief in that busines vpon the conditions
propownded by my cosin Berkley; for that I conceave the busines will
not bee well ordered without the oversight of a sufficient man to bee in
authoritie over the rest: And I thinke that the sparing him one man
out of each of our partes will bee plentifully recompenced with the
service hee will doe vs here there. And therefore I pray you consider


well of it with my cosin Thorpe. And so with my vnfeined love vnto
you I leave you to Gods good tuition.

Yours all assured
W Throkm9ton
[Addressed:] To my approved good frend Iohn Smith esq. at nibley
speed these
[Indorsed by John Smyth:] Sr Wm Throgm9tons ɫre about Mr Wm Chester
to bee our cheefe. Apr. 1619
[Second indorsement by * * *] Mr Effington a p̱ten9. Mr Wood-
leefs ɫre & p̳posites the copy of the Invoys & mony about Walter copy &
others. tooles: & implements.