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MAY THE 11619
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MAY THE 11619

Sr Edwin Sandis Knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Edward Harwood.  mr Nich: fferrar.  mr Geo: Smith. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Berblock.  mr Bland. 
mr Io: fferrar Dpt.  mr Hen: Briggs.  mr Caswell. 
mr Geo: Thorpe.  mr Wiseman.  mr Sparrowe. 

A Comission was now sealed to Iohn Iohnson Mr of the Bona Noua
for to take his passage from hence in that shipp to Virginia. [6]

Letters procured from the Lordes of the Counsell to the Company
of Grocers and signed by Pembrooke, Southampton, Exeter, Zouch,
Carey and Digby was now sealed and referred to mr. Deputy fferrar
to deliuer it to the said Company.

Notice being giuen of a new Pattent which one [4] Sumerscales was
about to take about [4]Tobacco: the Cort desired mr Thr̃er to
speake wth mr Atturney generall, and to learne whither the same be
any way preiudiciall to the Company or not.


A blank space in the manuscript.