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Note.—The regular tuition fee does not apply to Commercial Education
courses. Each student will be required to pay a registration fee of $5.00,
and a special fee for each course taken.

Commerce s136-I: Bookkeeping—Elementary: First Term. 8:30; L. B.
Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

An introductory course, designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental principles
of bookkeeping, and with the related business forms and procedure. No previous
training in bookkeeping is required.

Commerce s136-II: Bookkeeping—Intermediate: Second Term. 8:30;
L. B. Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A continuation of Commerce s136-I, in which the principles of bookkeeping are applied
to the records of a partnership. The lectures are supplemented by the writing of a set
of partnership books.

Commerce s136-III: The Teaching of Bookkeeping: First Term. 11:30;
L. B. Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A course in double entry bookkeeping is prerequisite.

This course lays emphasis upon the proper balance between classroom presentation
and laboratory practice in the teaching of bookkeeping, in order that the student may
be prepared to make application of bookkeeping principles in employment and at the same
time receive the full educational benefit of the study.

The course is designed for teachers of bookkeeping, and for those preparing to teach
that subject in high schools.

Commerce s136-IV: Bookkeeping—General Course: Second Term.
11:30-12:30; L. B. Library. Fee $10.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A two-hour course for teachers and prospective teachers of bookkeeping, covering the
subject-matter of the usual two-year high school course. Using one of the popular texts
as a basis, the material will be gone over step by step, the more difficult problems worked
out and outlines and teaching plans set up. The "sets" will be taken up in connection
with the text, portions of each set being worked out by the class. The use of manuals,
keys, objective tests, and publisher co-operation will be discussed.

Commerce s137-I: Shorthand—Elementary: Both Terms. 9:30; L. B.
Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A course in Gregg Shorthand, for beginners. The new Gregg Manual, Chapters I to
VI, inclusive, and corresponding portions of supplementary texts, will be covered.

Commerce s137-II: Shorthand—Intermediate: Both Terms. 10:30; L.
B. Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

Commerce s137-I or its equivalent is prerequisite.

This course begins with Chapter VII and completes the Gregg Manual. The writing of
business letters from dictation is introduced.


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Commerce s137-III: Shorthand—Advanced—Teachers' Course: Both
Terms. 8:30; Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

Prerequisite, a high school or business college course in Gregg Shorthand.

A course designed to give teachers and prospective teachers of Gregg Shorthand the
opportunity to extend their knowledge of the system, and to increase speed in writing
and reading shorthand. Approximately two-thirds of the term will be devoted to Manual
review and vocabulary building, and one-third to transcription and related office practice.
The development of a good style of blackboard penmanship will be emphasized.

Commerce s137-IV: The Teaching of Shorthand: First Term. 10:30;
Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

A course for teachers of shorthand, and those preparing to teach the subject, in secondary
schools. The course includes: Planning the year's work; classroom organization;
preparation and presentation of lessons; development of speed and accuracy in writing,
reading and transcription; correlation of shorthand with other commercial subjects and
with English. The problems of the one- and two-teacher commercial department will be
given special attention.

Commerce s137-V: Secretarial Practice: Both Terms. 11:30; Jefferson
Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

A course for teachers, commercial graduates, and stenographers, outlining the usual
routine duties of the business secretary, or executive assistant. Some of the topics treated
will be: Stenographic standards; the handling of correspondence; filing; arranging business
itineraries; reference and research work; business statistics. Considerable stenographic
work will be necessary in connection with the course.

Commerce s138-I: Typewriting—Elementary: Both Terms. Hours to
be arranged. Jefferson Hall. Fee $10.00.

First Term, Mrs. Bundy. Second Term, Mr. Kanady.

A course for beginners in typewriting, and for "sight" writers who wish to master the
touch system. Teachers and others who wish to make a limited use of typewriting in
connection with their work may take this course to advantage.

Commerce s138-II: Typewriting—Intermediate: Both Terms. Hours
to be arranged. Jefferson Hall. Fee $10.00.

First Term, Mrs. Bundy. Second Term, Mr. Kanady.

This course includes: Special exercises for building up typewriting speed; tabulating
and form work; business correspondence; transcription of shorthand notes.

Commerce s138-III: The Teaching of Typewriting: First Term. 9:30;
Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady and Mrs. Bundy.

Lectures, classroom discussions, and special assignments will be supplemented by
observation and practice teaching in connection with one or more of the typewriting
classes. Among the topics treated will be: Mechanism of the typewriter; care of the
machine, minor adjustments and repairs; teaching the beginner; building speed and reducing
errors; testing and grading; correlation of shorthand and typewriting. A number
of the popular typewriting texts will be available for study and comparison.