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EVANS-PRITCHARD, Edward Evan (1902-1973):

British ANTHROPOLOGIST who, along with Raymond FIRTH, trained under Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski (1884-1942). His first book Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic, Amongst the Azande (1937) is a masterpiece which demonstrates the inner coherence of seemingly IRRATIONAL BELIEF systems. Its publication led to a bitter dispute with Malinowski who disassociated himself from Evans-Pritchard's views and attempted to prevent him from obtaining an academic post. Evans-Pritchard's CONVERSION to CATHOLICISM in 1944 further raised the ire of the academic community but with the help of RADCLIFFE-BROWN, he obtained the Chair of SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY at the University of Oxford in 1946 from where he went on to establish the influential Oxford School of Social Anthropology.