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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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367. On Corruption.

367. On Corruption.

Hyblæan Hony is commixt with Wax:
The finest linnen hath both stains and bracks.


Gold hath its dross, and on the self-same ground,
Bright wheat, and also cumbrous weeds is found.
Ev'n so corruption in the Church of Christ,
May stand, and yet with it true Grace consist:
In Heav'n there's none but good, there's none in hell
But bad; both bad & good on earth do dwell.
The Church is Heaven's Kingdom call'd, because
Heav'ns King rules it by his Cœlestial Laws.
Yet still it is but Heaven upon Earth,
Whilst militant, some failings will sprout forth;
Nor may we therefore separate, for sure
The Gospel's fair, though mens lives are impure.
Gods floor hath chaff with corn, his drag-net hath
Rubbish with fish, his house vessels of wrath
With those of honor; the Moon sometimes wains,
And when 'tis at the Full, it hath some stains.
To the prepared it is not exprest,
My friend, how came you in with such a ghest.
Corruption, succedaneous to the fall
Of the first man, is that Original
Iniquity which Adam by the act
Of his so foul transgression, did contract,
And transmit to posterity, this is
Th'effect of that which Adam did amiss.
Corruption reigns not, though it may abide
In Saints, God looks it should be mortifi'd;
And he, if in the main we be upright,
Will pass them by, and very much delight


In all our duties, though remain they do,
Yea them reward here, and hereafter too.
And now my soul be careful to discover
Thy special vile affections; O watch over
Sins of thy calling, nature, constitution,
Time, place, and with a constant resolution
Strive to subdue them, by thy prayers wrastle,
And give not o're till thou hast won the Castle