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Sec. 557. Fire company.

The Fire Department of the city shall be composed of a volunteer
organization known as the "Charlottesville Fire Company."
Such company so organized shall be under the direction and control
of an officer to be styled the Chief of the Fire Department and
one assistant chief. The election of chief and assistant together
with such other officers as said company may deem necessary shall
be held at its regular meeting in August of each year, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, and their term of office shall commence
on the first day of September next following. The names of the
officers thus chosen by said company shall be presented to the
Council at its next regular meeting for confirmation. In case the
Council refuses to confirm said chief and other officers, said company
shall forthwith elect other persons in place of those whom the
Council refused to confirm, and submit their names to the Council


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at its next regular meeting. In case the fire company shall fail to
report the names of persons to fill the positions of chief and assistant
of the fire company, as provided above, the Council shall
appoint such officers, and they shall hold their respective positions
and be subject to the regulations herein prescribed.