University of Virginia Library


The Maid of the Sea.

Come from the sea,
Maiden to me,
Maiden of mystery, love, and pain!
Wake from thy sleep,
Low in the deep;
Over thy green waves sport again!
Come to this sequester'd spot, love,
Death's where thou art, as where thou art not, love;
Then come unto me,
Maid of the Sea,
Rise from the wild and stormy main;
Wake from thy sleep,
Calm in the deep,
Over thy green waves sport again!
Is not the wave
Made for the slave,
Tyrant's chains, and stern control;
Land for the free
Spirit like thee,
Thing of delight to a minstrel's soul?
Come, with thy song of love and of sadness,
Beauty of face and rapture of madness;
Oh, come unto me,
Maid of the Sea,
Rise from the wild and surging main;
Wake from thy sleep,
Calm in the deep,
Over thy green waves sport again!