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Sec. 553. Board of examiners.

The Superintendent of Water and Sewers and of Gas shall
constitute a Board of Examiners, who shall examine all applicants
as may apply to test their fitness to practice the trades of
plumbing and gas fitting in connection with the Water and Sewers
and the Gas Departments of the city. Said examination shall
be held during the first week of February in each year, and at
such other times as may be necessary. The Superintendent of
Water and Sewers shall examine such applicants as to their fitness
as practical plumbers for said department, and the Superintendent
of Gas shall examine such applicants as to their fitness to do practical
gas fitting. The Superintendent of Water and Sewers
shall be the chairman of the Board and all records of said Board
shall be filed. After passing a satisfactory examination said applicant
or applicants shall be granted a certificate by the Board
setting forth that he is a practical plumber and gas fitter, and is
entitled to be licensed as such. Such certificate shall bear the
signatures of both members of the Board.