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This man, it is well known, was executed for the murder of Weare. Thurtell was evidently no common man. His spoken defence, as reported, is one of the finest specimens of impassioned eloquence — perfectly Demosthenic. His indignation at the reports circulated in prejudice of his case was overwhelming. Nothing can be finer than the turn of the following sentence: — `I have been represented by the Press — which carries its benefits or curses on rapid wings from one extremity of the kingdom to the other — as a man more depraved, more gratuitously and habitually profligate and cruel, than has ever appeared in modern times.'

Touching his gambling pursuits, he said: — `I have been represented to you as a man who was given to gambling, and the constant companion of gamblers. To this accusation in some part my heart, with feeling penitence, pleads guilty. I have gambled; I have been a gambler, but not for the last three years. During that time I have not attended or betted upon a horse-race, or a fight, or any public exhibition of that nature. If


I have erred in these things, half of the nobility of the land have been my examples; some of the most enlightened statesmen of the country have been my companions in them. I have, indeed, been a gambler; I have been an unfortunate one. But whose fortune have I ruined? — whom undone? My own family have I ruined; I have undone myself!'[22] [22] See the entire speech in `Celebrated Trials,' vol. vi. 547.