University of Virginia Library

Scene XIX.

Fabius, Lelius, and Florus.—The Same.
Sir, the two for whom you sent
Here are kneeling at your feet.

I, whose wish it is to be
Welcomed as thy son this time,
With no consciousness of crime
Do not see a judge in thee,
I an angry sire may see
With a son's respectful fear
And obedience.

Being here,
I infer that it must be
(Though no guilt can I discern)
Thy chastising hand to feel.
See. Submissive here I kneel.

Lelius, Florus, I was stern,
Justly stern against ye two,
For as judge or father I
Could not unchastised pass by
Your offence. But then I knew
That in noble hearts the feeling
Of resentment does not last,
And as now the cause is past,
I resolved, to both appealing,
Friends to make of you once more.


So to consecrate the tie
Now embrace in amity.

I am glad that, as of yore,
Florus is my friend to-day.

That thou'rt mine this act may show.
Here's my hand.

This being so,
You are free to go or stay:—
When I tell you of the sad
Fall of her you once admired,
Nothing further is required.