University of Virginia Library



The Palace hight of Pleasure fair,
And all its sheen delight,
Where rapture of deceitful lure
Enchants the mortal wight.


Certes it is, and Saints have whilom said,
That worldly Pleasure is but worldly Woe,
In the hot bosom of the Passions bred,
Cradled by Tempests that ay rage and blow,
And taught ne virtue, ne advice to know:
Then comes a sickly sunshine deadly warm,
Shedding a gilded pestilence below;
Within his beam fast fades the wasting form,
Till night and cloud succeed, and turbulence and storm.



There is ywashed by the murm'ring main,
A Fairy land, yclept Temptation's Isle,
So fair, it seem'd as Eden there had lain,
Such sweet Enchantment o'er the coast doth smile!
And ah! poor mortal wight it doth beguile
With waving trees that deck the shores around,
Which to the sight ne things unclean defile,
And velvet fields that glitter o'er the ground,
And purling streams, and groves with tufted verdure crown'd.


The circling sea, that glistens round the coast,
Doth all beseem of crystal glass, I ween,
Whose oily wave ne ship hath ever tost,
Ne stormy death defil'd its waters sheen;
But all around is gentle smoothness green,
And tint cærulean on the ocean dy'd;
And whisp'ring breezes fan the luring scene:
For ne rude winds do rouse the sleeping tide,
Ne blust'ring blasts deform'd, with tempest at their side.


And on the air are dulcet chantings heard,
That trip to sound of soul-delighting lyre;
Yet ne in all their songs one mournful word,
Ne plaintive strain that musing mote inspire,


But lively notes which gaiety yfire,
Such as that noble harper, Orpheus hight,
Did sing to brutes, who wonder'd at the wire,
And with uncouth rejoicing would delight
To dance along the woods, in rugged liv'ry dight.


And right aloud the joyous birds did sing,
With melody confus'd that fill'd the sky:
The soaring lark, with tawny-dappled wing,
And humbler linnet with his gentle eye,
And gorgeous finch, with breast of golden dye;
Ne fear'd the bright canary there to dwell,
Ne chatt'ring thrush that peeps with glancing sly;
But ne sad nightingale mourn'd o'er the dell,
Ne owl with flapping wings shrieking the notes of Hell.


Eke the bright Sun, as though he had stood still,
Sheen'd o'er the beauteous land each rolling day;
And ting'd with gold the top of ev'ry hill,
And in each vale with burnish'd splendour lay;
So that Dame Nature did for aye look gay:
For though dark night ycame with visage stern,
Yet then would Art his copied flame display,
And on each tree a hundred lamps yburn,
Which did new day relume, and gloom to radiance turn.



With eyne fast fixing on this lovely sight,
And fill'd with wonder at th' enchanting scene,
Upon the adverse strand a valiant knight
Stood wrapt in thought; his still and eager mien
Betray'd how much the land, so sweet and green,
In vernal beauty all delightful dress'd,
Charm'd his enraptur'd soul: for, well I ween,
He wish'd upon the goodly shore to rest,
Yet saw ne look'd-for boat to ease his longing breast.


Sudden sweet sounds of mellow symphony,
In tender undulations swell'd on air,
New splendour seem'd to flush the glowing sky,
And Nature rise with visage doubly fair:
Soft whisp'ring breezes breathing gently near:
Dropping rich perfume from each fanning wing,
Brought the smooth numbers to his raptur'd ear;
While Summer, putting on the robe of Spring,
'Gan from his radiant lap the verdant flow'rets fling.


Anon a silver cloud roll'd fair along;
When lo! quick op'ning on the beaming day,
It rent its swelling side; and, with a song
Bursting in melody confus'd and gay,


A tribe of airy sylphs in wanton play,
Broke forth, and forming sportive dance divine,
Around the admiring knight, in sunny ray
Chanted sweet hymns to Bacchus god of wine,
And Her, round whose fair brow the graceful myrtles twine.


Now here, now there their colour'd wings they threw
With many a mirthful movement twirling round;
And zones they carried of the rainbow's hue
With golden buckles splendidly ybound,
Which they unloos'd and droppen on the ground,
That Sport might be all easy, brisk and light:
For none among them mournful was there found,
That Merriment and Joy could ne delight:
But laugh'd the wantons loud, and wav'd their pinions bright.


Sudden they snatch'd Sir Guyon up on high,
Unweeting whether good or harm would be.
While drowsy sleep came heavy on his eye,
And all forgotton was their laughing glee:
The verdant lawn, smooth meadow, and green tree,
And cloud, and sylphs quick faded from his thought,
And sportive dance ne longer could he see!
Music ne moe sweet harmony ybrought,
Ne sea, ne isle, ne skies his eyne enchanted sought.



Soft on the dewy grass that fring'd the isle
The lovely spirits laid their sleepy load;
Nor waken'd he, till Morn again 'gan smile,
And murm'ring Ocean round her mantle flow'd;
When to his couch of green as soft she trod,
A beauteous virgin rous'd the wond'ring knight
With flowing hair tied up with pearly node,
Who at her side, with gather'd flow'rets dight,
Bore keys of glitt'ring gold, with frequent using bright.


In her fair hand a bag full rich she held,
With curious coins and antique monies stor'd;
Some with stamp eaten by devouring Eld,
And some that many a learn'd device afford
Of emp'ror noble, or Cæsarean lord:
And on her painted vestment could be seen
Grim Runic rhymes that wars and blood applaud,
And letters obsolete and flow'rs all green,
And animal, and insect, copied well, I ween.


And her behind, with winning beauty mov'd,
A virgin figure, crown'd with garlands fair,
And myrtles green, by Cytherea lov'd,
And many a jewel weav'd among her hair,


And diamonds gay, and precious pebble rare;
One hand a burning heart did trembling hold
Ypierc'd with dart and flaming to the air,
And fetter'd all around with links of gold,
With purple drops besprent, and never wexing cold.


Her other hand a glitt'ring goblet rais'd,
With mantling wine delicious to the taste
Ysparkling fair, that with red splendour blaz'd,
And all around a mickle brightness cast;
And on its side were carved forms ne chaste
Of frisking Wantonness, and loving Dames,
And dancing Satyrs ne'er in sport the last,
And lovely Nymphs that nourish'd Cupid's flames,
And many else, I wote, of less renowned names.


Then thus the first fair form; “Thrice blest Sir Knight,
“Brought to this soil of health, and ease, and peace,
“Brought to this soil of splendour and delight.
“Where joys ay dwell, ay transport and increase,
“Where glad Eternity can never cease,
“The Tree of Life awaits your hand, be wise;
“Pluck; feast with Heav'n: Pleasure with joyous face
“Bade me conduct to her desiring eyes
“The knight she loves; her love the bold can ne'er despise,



“Me Curiosity men wrongly clepe;
“In Fairy-land ay higher name I bore,
“And hight Inquiry; the great key I keep
“Of sage Philosophy's celestial store;
“This hand can ope gay Nature's hidden door,
“And give to youth the knowledge of old age:
“Come, follow me: let Love proceed before;
“Her cup will soon be thine, and Life's dark page
“Be fill'd with light and life: O follow, and be sage.”


She said; the knight quick turn'd him and beheld
Before his eyes all ravish'd with delight,
A stately house with marble dome, that swell'd
Its polish'd beauties on the wond'ring sight;
The fabric's self with solid gold was bright,
On diamond pillars splendidly ylaid;
And pearly chimnies ever gay and white
The beamy day with perfumes rich repaid,
While raptur'd Zephyr ay his balmy pinions play'd.


On a smooth lawn with verdure ever green,
The beauteous structure caught the meeting eye;
Ne valley low withheld the glitt'ring scene,
Ne tufted grove where Hamadryad shy


Ne'er suffers Phœbus in her bow'rs to lie;
While luring pilgrim wight to stop his way,
Lay scatter'd round sweet flow'rs of various dye;
Pink in a thousand liv'ries richly gay,
Red rose, and lily fair, that decks the breast of May.


Here on the grassy meadow mote be seen
Gay troops of maids and youths in purple dight
Dancing in jollity along the green,
While pipe enliv'ning heighten'd the delight,
Responsive as the feet glanc'd on the sight,
Twinkling in gay disorder: there beyond,
Calm in the peaceful vale the lovesick wight
Strech'd out reposing on the verdant ground,
Dreamt of the darts of Love, and ah! how sweet they wound!


Anon soft, tender voices breath'd on air,
“Come, valiant knight; come, valiant, blest, and wise;
“Come, Heav'ns beatitude yborn to share,
“And learn to live, ne joy divine despise!
“Without what glories strike thy ravish'd eyes;
“O come, and see what glories shine within!
“Come; see where Pleasure waits to give the prize
“Due to the charms her heav'nly Love that win!
“Enter; to come is bliss, to stay despair and sin!”



The wond'ring knight, along whose breast, I ween,
Ystole suspicions soul of magic snare,
Snatch'd at his sword; but this some sprite unseen
Had borne away; a pearly girdle fair
Supplied its dreadful place; and from his hair,
Where once pale Terror wav'd the nodding crest,
Plumes that the gaudy peacock boasts to wear,
Hung quiv'ring to the air; while o'er his breast
Soft flowing purple fell in folds that pictur'd rest.


Again the call melodious breath'd on high,
Thrilling the raptur'd soul; the yielding knight
Shot on the palace door his ardent eye,
When sudden floated from the realms of light
Sounds, that beseem'd the touches of Delight,
The diapason of an Angel's lyre;
And slowly gliding backwards from the sight,
The portals wide 'gan to the sound retire,
And splendours bursten forth, and bright empyreal fire!


High on a glorious couch which far outshone
The pomp of kingly pow'r and royal shew,
The gorgeous cushion, or the glitt'ring throne,
Or all the wealth earth proudly boasts below,


The Fairy Pleasure, with refulgent brow,
Reclin'd her dazzling form: one day of light
Circled her beaming head, and Beauty's glow
Spread o'er her lovely cheek its crimson bright
While ev'ry luring look shot transport and delight!


One hand ybore a casket large and gay,
In which bright jewel, diamond, pearl all fair,
And costly gem in rich confusion lay;
And od'rous frankincense, and spikenard rare,
And sweetmeat, dainty and delicious fare,
And lady's toy ne useful and ne stout;
Yet, as unweeting how they valued were,
She scatter'd them her splendid seat about,
Till all the precious treasure nigh had droppen out.


Her other hand upheld a glitt'ring chain
Of golden links yform'd, and made below
A vast ronnd globe unmoving to sustain,
On which a fairy tribe of stature low
And tender form tripp'd lightly to and fro,
Waving their wings whene'er her smile they spy;
Yet weak, I wote, and weary would they grow,
By long exertion, and to nothing die,
When quick another band upstarted to the eye.



And on her breast a mimic Sun yshone,
That dazzled bright the eyne of mortal men;
Till more familar with her they had grown,
And much its lustre would decayen then:
For, when once gone, it ne ysheen'd again:
And her soft feet in down ywrappen were,
Made of the feath'ry wing of tender wren,
Which serv'd, I ween, for gentle buskin fair,
When she would rise sometime, tho' rising was full rare.


In her sweet eyes Love, crown'd with melting rays,
Sat like a soft enchanter, binding all
The fetter'd soul in rapture and amaze,
Who by his luring magic doth recall
The sadden'd wights of this terrestrial ball
To festive merriment, and joy with smiles
Dimpled beneath her lips, and did ystall
Within their ruby poutings, who beguiles
The tearful cares of man with his endearing wiles.


And all around her flow'rs of various hue,
And garlands green, and od'rous perfumes spread,
For winged boys did ay profusely strew
With ev'ry sweet of earth her downy bed;


And gay they sported o'er her lovely head,
And some with tender fans, that were ymade
Of wing of butterfly, the breezes led
To pay her charms obedience, and yplay'd
In airy circles round the couch where she was laid.


Behind her, warbling with delicious note,
Mild flutes and golden lyres breath'd soft delight,
And Harmony her gentle round did float,
And Melody with melting voice invite;
While fays, high seated upon thrones of light,
Sung sweet enchanting words to ev'ry sound:
So that ne mind, ne smell, ne ear, ne sight,
Could wanten ought of pleasures that abound,
So rife was ev'ry joy that mortals love yfound.


Midst all this mingled world of harmony,
Up downy steps of pillows soft ymade
The knight with hurrying foot ascended high,
Where Grace and Beauty were in radiance laid,
To pleasure's glitt'ring couch; the music play'd
To livelier notes along his raptur'd soul;
While by her side the dame alluring babe,
The alter'd warrior rest; ne blush ystole
O'er his gay cheek, ne'gan the tear repentant roll.



Anon their crowden round their wond'ring guest
Gay winged nymphs in colour'd robes array'd;
This hung a sparkling jewel on his breast,
Or round his neck the circling garland laid,
With many a pearly bead and jewell'd braid;
That scatter'd perfume o'er his purple dress,
Or dropp'd the liquid odours on his head;
These with fair arms his easy feet caress,
Or kemb his waving locks, that wreaths of roses press.


First Delicacy soft with languid eye
Swam smooth along; while o'er her lily cheek,
A veil of shadowing silk flow'd carelessly
Sweeping her snowy bosom: for the shriek
Of fearful woe, if once the sun-beam seek
Her face unveil'd, burst piercing on the air
From her averted lips; and mild and meek
The buzzing fly brought grief and wild'ring fear,
If once her ears he bore his drowsy piping near.


Then Flatt'ry with her dimpled cheek approach'd
Low bending down her face that secret smil'd,
And slow came on, as if she had encroach'd
Upon his time, and all the way beguil'd


With scatter'd incense, tho' ne thing defil'd
Her scented progress; then within his ear
She pour'd exalting words and praises wild,
Tho' ne, I wis, one did her bosom bear,
But all were form'd without of bubble and of air.


Next Gaudiness her colour'd mantle spread
Upon the dazzled sight with spangles bright
Of solar lustre: on her sparkling head
Mov'd a gay butterfly all richly dight
With ev'ry colour of the bow of light,
Whose wide dispread and tender wings ymade
A fluttering crown: while from an unseen height
Profusion scatter'd on the glitt'ring bed
Green em'rald, sapphire blue, and ruby's glowing red.


And last came sporting gaily on the air
Young Wantonness, with red and fiery eyne,
Nathless in which some tender glances were;
And with arch look her head she did incline,
And round her temples ivy leaves entwine,
Whiles in one hand she bore a figure small,
Copied from that which still and ay will shine,
Beauty's resplendent model, and of all
High Admiration claims, the wonder of the ball.



Her other hand a globe of splendour bare
Pierc'd round with holes, from which there did arise,
With od'rous perfume scenting all the air,
Enraptur'd whispers, and love-breathing sighs,
And vows of constancy, and tender cries,
And now loud laughs that merriment denote
And fill with echoing joy the smiling skies,
And voices now of men right loud and stote,
And now of females soft and gentle maids, I wote.


Sudden the goddess took an iv'ry wand,
Which thrice she wav'd on high as chalking round
Some airy circle with her magic hand,
Then droppen it as quickly on the ground;
When lo, Sir Guyon's eyne the portals found,
Whence came th' inferior deities who sway'd
O'er Pleasure's gay domain, while gentler sound
Of tender lutes a melting concord made,
That seem'd to breathe without from some enchanted glade.


First on a crawling sloth ymounted went
Dull Indolence, with cheek of pallid hue,
And lazy head on heavy bosom bent,
And half-shut eyne that squinted all askew;


His jaw-bone eke unto his shoulder grew,
That never manlier was ylifted high;
And wrapp'd he was in garments ne so few;
For downy vestments hid each moveless thigh,
That from his temples hung, and shrowden o'er his eye.


And in one hand a bitter bowl he held,
Fill'd with the turbid stream of Lethe drear,
Whose mould'ring sides were gnawn away by Eld;
For ne about it did he taken care:
And in the other he did faintly bear
A bunch of poppies, which by bards are said
To grow where Somnus' darkling mansions are;
And eke with these he beat his drowsy head,
And totter'd on his way, and seem'd to wish for bed.


And next to him stretch'd sluggishly along,
In velvet couch on bloated genii rais'd,
Went gorgeous Luxury, with dance and song,
And dainty meats attended; while he blaz'd
With pearls and gold that shrinking vision daz'd;
And all the way he eaten some of food,
Or with his mutt'ring lips the liquor prais'd;
And seem'd to think that nought beside was good
But Gluttony and Wealth, whose blessings he had woo'd.



And after him a lovely female form
Tripp'd blithe along her soul-enliv'ning way,
Ycleped Beauty; Health in blushes warm,
And thousand charms her glowing cheeks array;
Her eyne with Love's resistless glances play:
While in one hand a sweet Narcissus flow'r
She carried soft with lily colour gay,
Benempt from that bright youth, who in sad hour
Pin'd for his own fair face, while Echo's had ne pow'r.


A youth enchain'd adorn'd her other hand,
Certes he was a lovely little boy:
His eyne were hidden by a silken band,
Which nathless did his beauty ne destroy;
And o'er his shoulder, ah! destructive toy!
A golden quiver stock'd with darts he bore,
With which unguarded hearts he doth annoy;
For tho' so small, yet can he wounden sore,
And bid the mournful breast be glad and gay ne more.


And little winged imps around her head
Frisk'd on the air; some carried torches sheen,
Which double lustre o'er the day did spread,
As tho' the sun had wanting splendour been;


And some bore pierc'd and bleeding hearts, I ween,
Which others aimed at in cruel sport
With poison'd darts, and seemed full of spleen;
Tho' in their face they look'd of joyous sort,
And whirlen up and down, as fairy had them taught.


At each gay step she took her path along,
Soft virgins scatter'd Maira's flow'rets fair,
And other sweets that to her reign belong,
And all Pomona's juicy dainties rare,
The beauteous ornaments of Summer's wear;
And at her feet blaz'd crowns of glorious hue,
That fill'd with splendour all the sheening air,
Which kings and cæsars ay before her threw:
To such a peerless maid is royal service due.


And her behind danc'd frolicsome Desire,
With ivy crown'd in myrtle green entwin'd;
Her rolling eyne did mirth and love inspire,
And fill'd with ardent hope the youthful mind;
And with delightful garland did she bind
The bending horns of a hot-blooded goat,
Which wanton'd wild and joyously behind,
And sometimes rollen on his rugged coat,
All sly with leering look, which she had him ytote.



And eke within her bosom there was lain
A secret fire, which ne did hurt the heart;
But all ythrillen with a pleasant pain,
That in its pleasaunce did forget its smart;
And ne'er from its fair won would it depart,
But gain'd fresh fuel from each am'rous thought;
And round her did from unseen stations start
Disporting satyrs, merriment that taught,
And with their frisking ways the lips to laughter brought.


And after her came soul-enliv'ning Joy,
With ivy thyrsus in her waving hand,
Which, if well water'd, Eld can ne destroy;
And gay she flourish'd high this verdant wand,
Which (minstrels sing) the noisy dancing band
Of drunken satyrs mix'd with maidens fair
Carried, as Liber's jovial laws command,
With curling serpents twin'd within their hair,
With shouts of triumph mad filling the sounding air.


Sooth loud she laughen all the way she went,
And tripp'd and turned on her wanton heel;
For all her soul to merriment was bent,
Ne did one dismal thought her bosom feel,


Ne in her heart had pain once thrust his steel;
And on Desire ay fixen was her view,
Eyne that did Rapture's swimming rays reveal,
And were, I wote, of sweet celestial blue:
Right blithsome danc'd she on, the merriest of the crew.


And her behind, a most delightful train,
With joyous step tripp'd cheerfully along,
Of lovely crowned boys, who seem'd to reign
O'er all the actions of the sportive throng;
And regulated they each merry song,
Beating the sprightly time with iv'ry wand
On golden globes upheld by silken thong:
Soft stole the measur'd tinkling from their hand,
Soothing with even sounds symphonious, clear, and bland.


And after them flew youthful genii high,
Cloth'd all in airy robes of streaming light;
Stars seem'd to glitter in each sparkling eye,
So bright and piercing was their eagle sight:
And on his head each one bore, large and bright,
A glorious sun that flamed forth to view,
Like some tall spire to trav'lling weary wight,
That glistens in the sky serene and blue,
From wish'd-for village church to souvenance ne new.



And in their hands sweet instruments they bore
Of heav'nly music rapt'rous to the ear;
But ne fierce trumpet which do grieven sore
The widow'd dame, and give her quaking fear;
Sounds that to warrior bold is pleasaunce dear;
Ne harsh resounding drums that call to war,
And rouse the sleeping ire of battle drear,
Ne sounding clarions that the foemen draw,
To mortal fight, I ween, ne know soft Pity's law.


But breath'd they, well I wis, the blander sound
Of other numberless soft notes yplay'd
To gentle water-falls that dash'd around
A murm'ring melody, and concord made,
With sweeter skill than Nature e'er display'd;
Some holden shepherd pipes of rural charm,
That float so tender thro' the bower'd glade;
And some mild lutes that Anger's rage disarm,
And sound ne furious fight, ne bellow rude alarm.


And some thro' mellow horn delightful pour'd
Their quiv'ring breath, as if along the wood
Chaste Dian with her nymphs the steps explor'd
Of savage boar, that wets his tusks with blood,


Or wily fox, sad foe to chicken brood;
And some deliciously the flute inspir'd,
That warbles to the cascade's tumbling flood;
While others by Dan Phœbus' spirit fir'd,
Their voice attemp'red sweet, of melody ne'er tir'd.


And last to close the fine majestic sight,
A lovely chorus, crown'd with laurel green,
Of beauteous girls, in flowing purple dight,
Chaunted transporting hymns of joy, I ween,
Exalting the gay palace and its queen,
And all the way dispredden they her praise,
Like those fair boys at Grecian worship seen,
That did in songs their heroes' glories raise,
And all their noble deeds and valiant actions blaze.


Now pass'd along this glitt'ring rabblement,
And circled thrice the palace till they drew
In trained majesty, to where intent
Upon the shew with fix'd and wond'ring view
The knight still nourish'd admiration new;
Then on their knees before their dame on high,
Who satten by his side, themselves they threw;
When thus, arising with most lovely eye,
She wav'd her lily hand, and spoken gracefully.



“What are the joys that mortals can bestow?
“Pleasures as soon as they arise that fly,
“The fading sweetness of the flow'rs that blow,
“The passing splendour of a summer's sky:
“With my delights can such rejoicing vie?
“Short perfume give the roses gay and red,
“For in a day they droop, they fade, they die;
“But see Arabia from her scented head
“With endless odours rich the flow'ry landscape spread.


“Such are the charms that real joy can boast,
“That joy which only dwells where I reside;
“That joy which only loves this beauteous coast,
“And vows with me for ever to abide.
“Each sweet of Heav'n is waiting at my side;
“With me the day with clouds is ne'er o'er-cast;
“O'er placid Night the stars for ever ride;
“With me gay Fancy is herself surpass'd,
“And bliss, consummate bliss, by mortals gain'd at last.


“The rapt'rous cup I offer to mankind,
“Nobles and monarchs have rejoic'd to share;
“Heroes have erst upon this breast reclin'd,
“Ne gods themselves disdain'd to call me fair:


“Chains were mine eyne, and fetters was my hair.
“Do mortals then presume to call me vile,
“To say my palace is the den of care;
“To say that serpents in my dimples smile,
“And fatal venom black, and wretchedness, and guile?


“This precious casket that adorns my hand,
“The gods above yform'd for my delight;
“Fair Venus brought it me by their command,
“And gave the prize with ev'ry beauty dight:
“Cupid, the beauteous boy, was in affright,
“Lest I should spoil his quiver of its store;
“For all bow'd low before my piercing sight,
“Ne thought of him the blinded urchin more,
“Ne sought his altars lorn, ne did the god adore.


“In this my house no raging passions storm,
“Anger, ne envy, ne revengeful hate;
“Ne sullen woes the gay abode deform;
“Ne harsh decrees of life-destroying fate;
“Eternal sunshine beams before my gate;
“The tender pleasures round me ever dance,
“Society, ne serious and sedate,
“Soft Friendship, fam'd to smooth the rocks of chance,
“And Love, that doth the soul in rapt'rous dreams entrance.



“Here, if the fainting palmer seek repose,
“Pillows of down await his weary head,
“Sleep with smooth hand his heavy eyne to close,
“Music divine to warble round his bed,
“And the rich feast with mantling goblets spread:
“Here trip the Cyprian nymphs ay blithe and gay,
“Tempting with ruby lips, and cheeks as red;
“Here the light Loves and wanton Zephyrs play,
“And spring for ever smiles, for ever gems the day!


“Come then, ye trav'llers in the vale of life,
“Ye, whose sad cheeks are wet with falling tears,
“Ye, who have battled in the scenes of strife,
“And ye who tremble with appalling fears;
“Here drop your burdens, here lay up your cares:
“Here without foolish labour shall ye find
“Riches, and Peace, that ay smooth forehead wears,
“And pleasures never to be left behind;
“Come then, ye mortals, come; come, O ye wise mankind!”


Mild as the whispers of enraptur'd Love,
Fell the soft music of her magic tongue!
Dew ne'er dropp'd softer from the skies above,
Nor on the hive a sweeter nectar hung!


Persuasion never had so deftly sung:
For, when she ended her melodious speech,
A still enchantment pour'd the train among:
Rapture did chain applause from futile reach,
And silence, swaying all, unutter'd praises teach!


Sir Guyon lay entranc'd upon his bed,
At the harmonious voice that caught his ear,
Till with a soft caress she rais'd his head,
And to her side with mildness brought him near,
Bidding him ne her dazzling splendour fear;
And with sweet words, she did the knight allure,
With dainty speeches, and embraces dear,
So that ne chastity he would endure,
But called her his own, himself her paramour!