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By William Walsham How ... New and Enlarged Edition

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Text: St. John xxi. 15.

And dare I then discourse of heavenly Love,
And bid men love the Lord with all their heart,—
I, whose faint soul scarce lifts its gaze above,
Whose chill desires scarce seek the better part?
As on a dim horizon we may deem,
Yet scarcely deem, we saw a flash of light,
So, as we look within, our love will seem
Now but a transient gleam, now quenched in night.
Ah, loveless hearts! Yet God Himself is Love;
And that Love burns not low when ours is dim;
Our scanty measures mete not things above;
He loves us even though we love not Him.
And Love hath been unveiled to human view,
Shrined in the Face of the Incarnate Word:—
O God, forgive me if it be not true,
And yet ‘Thou knowest that I love Thee,’ Lord.