University of Virginia Library



“Oh, saw ye not the flames rise on high,
“And illumine the night with a beaconing light,
“A light that was ghastly and horribly bright,
“And kindle the dismal and blood-colored sky?
“A thousand fiends shriek through the fires,
“And them with tenfold rage supply!
“My child! my child! expires!
“My daughter! so sweet in her infancy!
“I fought for thee in vain, my daughter!
“The flame surround thy loveliness!
“The fiends exulted o'er thy slaughter,
“And joyed in my distress!
“Oh, thou art lost for ever:
“To be recovered—never again!
“Oh, never, never, never!
“For thee, my love, I fought in vain,
“Thou mother of my child!
“Wife of my bosom—yea, my soul!
“Profuse of life, my war was wild;—
“His damned charms did my powers control,
“And all my strength beguiled!


“I saw him bear her in his arms,
“While I, withheld by cursed charms,
“Though breathing rage, could not redeem
“Her from his mortal grasp, that chilled
“To darkness that celestial beam
“Which erst my breast with rapture filled!