University of Virginia Library



Come hither with me, lady dear,
Love, come and see;
Alone you cannot enter here,
For I have got the key.
Now, if you ever want, my love,
Any thing with me,
Hither you must gently come
To know if I am free:
Busy indeed must be the hour
I cannot rise for thee.
This is my study, lady dear,
Its uses are most plain.
The night has often found me here,
My zeal could not refrain;
So hours of darkness I have pass'd
In all a student's pain.
Most studiously studying
The way your love to gain;
And well you know, my darling one,
I laboured not in vain.


A man of letters, lady dear,
I am, you are aware;
And this a packet is, of yours,
Close fastened up with care;
Of different sizes, like the stars,
That make the evening fair;
Love in the writing peeps and hides,
Like stars in twilight air;
So modest my sweet star of life,
Sweet fixèd star you were.
These are the poets, lady dear,
And that an old divine,
And yonder ragged-coated books
Are full of wisdom fine;
And well you know these volumes bright
That in their binding shine—
Beauty without and truth within,
Fitly they combine;
You gave them, love, and like thyself
Should be a gift of thine.
Upon this sofa, lady dear,
I often used to lie;
Watching intent the quiet moon,
Slow pacing in the sky;
And still her beauty seem'd like yours,
For grace and dignity;
And looking long, this thought would bring
A tear into my eye;
What were the earth without the moon?
Without you what were I?


Books are my flowers, lady dear;
That open one you see,
Is one at which I am at work
As earnest as a bee;
My study is my garden, love,
A place of toil for me,
But many of the flowers sweet
Will give delight to thee;
So as a sipping butterfly,
Most welcome shall you be.
Your household wisdom, lady dear,
I value not the less,
That you a heart and intellect
Cultured well possess;
So all the woman in the wife
Unites my home to bless.
Sweet are thy face and form, and sweet
Thy conjugal caress;
And sweet thy piety and sense,
And sweet thy gentleness.
Here much and often, lady dear,
I hope to work for you;
And for my God, and for the world,
In careful studies true.
And you shall ever help me, love,
To keep the right in view,
And ever to my growing thought
Your word shall be as dew:
And He who join'd us heart and hand
Will bless as hitherto.