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Narrative poems on the Female Character

in the various relations of life. By Mary Russell Mitford ... Vol. I

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So the two royal cousins lay,
Clasp'd in each other's arms, till day,


And Isabel, on Blanch's breast,
Lull'd by her sighs, had sunk to rest.
The morning beam, with joyous light,
Athwart the lattice glimmer'd bright;
And Blanch the lovely Queen could view,
Her shrunken form, her pallid hue;
Save that one cheek, with kindly flush,
Stole from her warmth a soften'd blush;
And seem'd, on its fair pillow thrown,
A maiden rose on Parian stone.
Her eyelids clos'd, yet moist with dews,
An air of holy grief diffuse;
And yet on lips unknown to guile,
Sits (banish'd long!) a holier smile;
That smile the mourner's heart can cheer;
Why is the parting hour so near!