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Verse in bloom

By Norman Gale

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The corner where the irises explain
That Spring is busy in the world again
Delights you, and you watch the solemn growth
That seems to be, but is not, perfect sloth.
Then I, a little farther from the bed,
Can note the reverent bending of your head,
And guess the adoration that is sung
By bosom and spirit, silencing the tongue,
And marvel how it came to pass that Earth,
Not Heaven itself, was sweetened by your birth.
Neither shall you depart the girl you came
Nor shall these infant blossoms be the same


As Evening found them when she ran to look
If burly Day had bruised them in their nook;
For when their miracle and yours have met
As sisters, each of you must needs forget
Some privacies, and offer by a strange
And delicate act of subtle interchange
A quality passing at this sacred hour
From bloom to maiden and from maid to flower.
My soul is not too coarse to be aware
That you and they have sanctities to share;
And, being strained and quickened by the sight
Of each illumined by the other's light,
Is cleansed. If very Angels had been sent,
How could their wings have made me more content?