The poems (1969) | ||
44 [Impromptus]
[The Bishop of Chester]
The Bishop of ChesterThough wiser than Nestor
And fairer than Esther,
If you scratch him will fester.
[Here lies Edmund Keene Lord Bishop of Chester]
Here lies Edmund Keene Lord Bishop of Chester,He eat a fat goose and could not digest her—
[Here lies Mrs Keene, the Bishop of Chester]
Here lies Mrs Keene, the Bishop of Chester,She had a bad face which did sadly molest her.
[Here lives Harry Vane]
Here lives Harry Vane,Very good claret and fine champagne.
[When you rise from your dinner as light as before]
When you rise from your dinner as light as before,'Tis a sign you have eat just enough and no more.
The poems (1969) | ||