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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 49.

[We have, O Lord, a House to raise]

1 Cor. 3. 11. Another Foundation can no Man lay, but that which is already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

[The First Part.]

We have, O Lord, a House to raise,
And would have it stand sure,
And never know the least decays,
But firm abide for ever:
And that we might thus build our souls
Thou the Foundation art;
Here build we must our House, O Lord,
The whole and ev'ry part.
God hath himself in mercy great
This sure Foundation laid,
That so to build our hopes on thee
We might not be afraid.
Thy Church on this Foundation is
Most firmly built also;
From hence it is that Men cannot,
Nor Devils it o'rethrow.
A Foundation's laid by knowing Men,
Some skilful Architect;
But this Foundation thou hast laid,
As wisdom did direct.


Yea, th'wisdom of the Trinity
I'th' Council held above;
And mercy was, Lord, in thine eye,
'Twas bowels did thee move
To bring this Stone, so choice and pure,
Beyond the rarest Gold,
To lay us a Foundation sure
Most glorious to behold.
To the Foundation now therefore
We will together sing,
To raise the praise for evermore
Of God and Christ our King.
'Twas deeply layd in thy Decree,
No bottom can be found;
So deep, Lord, all thy counsels be,
We in them, Lord, are drown'd.

The second Part.

What kind of House thou didst intend
To build, we may perceive
If the Foundation we observe,
And not our selves deceive,
It is a Precious-stone we see,
No Jasper is so rare,
And all the Building ought to be
As precious, lovely, fair.


All Gold and Silver, Precious-stones,
No Wood, Hay nor Stubble;
And living ones they must be all,
Believers meek and humble.
As the Foundation doth uphold
The whole Fabrick;
Thou dost bear up each Stone, O Lord,
All Members to thee stick:
Each Soul thou dost unite to thee
In sure bonds of Love;
O there's a blessed harmony
'Mong Saints born from above.
Without this safe Foundation, Lord,
No Building's there at all;
If any do not on thee build,
Their Souls and hopes will fall:
Yet shall the Just in thee rejoyce,
Who trust, Lord, in thy might;
They shall Praise sing with mind and voice
Whose hearts with thee are right.

The Third Part.

Other Foundations may decay,
Or Men may dig them down;
But this doth stand like to a Rock,
It can't be overthrown.


Let Devils do whate're they can
They can't it undermine:
Art thou built here, O happy Man!
Great safety shalt thou find:
Here build your Faith, your Hope, and all
Your Comforts too likewise;
Then let Winds blow, ye never shall
Fall by your Enemies.
But woe to such who lay aside
This precious Corner-stone,
And build on works through their great pride,
Their hopes will soon be gone.
All build do on the Sands besure,
Or no Foundation have,
Who don't true Faith of God procure,
Their precious Souls to save.
O blessed Sion thou art strong,
For God hath founded thee
Upon a Rock, that none can wrong,
Thou ruin'd canst not be.
The Gates of Hell shall not prevail,
So firmly thou dost stand:
Ye Saints, how can your courage fail
Too on the other hand.
Come sing with joy to Christ therefore,
And on him do depend;


The Top-stone and Foundation's he,
O sing world without end.