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A Collection of Miscellanies

Consisting of Poems, Essays, Discourses & Letters, Occasionally Written. By John Norris ... The Second Edition Corrected

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The Defence.


The Defence.


That I am colder in my Frienship grown,
My Faith and Constancy you blame,
But sure th' inconstancy is all your own,
I am, but you are not the same.
The flame of Love must needs expire
If you substract what should maintain the fire.


While to the Laws of Vertue you were true,
You had, and might retain my heart;
Now give me leave to turn Apostate too,
Since you do from your self depart.
Thus the Reform'd are counted free
From Schism, tho they desert the Roman See.


The strictest Union to be found below
Is that which Soul and Body tyes,
They all the Mysteries of Friendship know
And with each other sympathize.
And yet the Soul will bid adieu
T' her much distemper'd Mate, as I leave you.