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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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Set with Symphonies by Signior NICOLINI HAYM.


Ye tender Pow'rs! how shall I move
A careless Maid that laughs at Love?
CUPID, to my Succour fly!
Come with all thy thrilling Darts,
Thy melting Flames to soften Hearts;
Conquer for me, or I die!
Ye tender Pow'rs! how shall I move
A careless Maid that laughs at Love?
CUPID, to my Succour fly!


Thus, in a melancholy Shade,
A pensive Lover to his Aid
Invok'd the God of warm Desire;
LOVE heard him, and to gain the Maid
Did this successful Thought inspire.



Take her Humour, smile, be gay,
In her fav'rite Follies join,
That's the Charm will make her thine.
Cast thy serious Airs away,
Freely courting,
Toying, sporting,
Sooth her Hours with Am'rous Play.
Take her Humour, smile, be gay,
In her fav'rite Follies join,
That's the Charm will make her thine.