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The Second part of The Nights Search

Discovering The Condition of the various Fowles of Night. Or, The second great Mystery of Iniquity exactly revealed: With the Projects of these Times. In a Poem, By Humphrey Mill

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Her Epitaph.

She's buried here that should no burying have,
She sunk her selfe being overfraught with evill;
Her lusts before did make her bed a grave,
She'as quite undone her selfe to please the Devill
To meet her joy, she kill'd her selfe and fell,
Where love is cool'd: but beds are hot in hell.
You see vile actions spring from vaine desires;
Which in their meeting kindle furious fires,


To scorch the sinners: like the knats by night,
They buz, and flye about the Candle light,
Being fearelesse of the issue; till by turnes
The wings first scorcht, and then the body burnes,
Or like the beasts, that travell many a mile,
One swinnes a brook, another leapes a stile,
Some mir'd in a lake, some beaten blind,
Some leave their hoofs, and some their hornes behind
All will not free them from the Butchers knives;
They buy those wearie steps to sell their lives.


So here are all diseases, which, if well
Considered of, they might prevent a hell.
Alas! they but increase it! now my might
Must banish't be; on Marrie with the light.

54. Sect. of the first part.

The sores are searcht, my patient must endure
Perpetuall torments, or apply the cure.