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Songs of Sion

Set for the ioy of gods deere ones, vvho sitt here by the brookes of this vvorlds Babel, & vveepe vvhen they thinke on Hierusalem vvhich is on highe. By W. L. [i.e. William Loe]

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The first speach.

The spouse speakes to Christ.


In bed I sought my loue by night,
But could not find him there,
I sought him but he vvas farre off,
And did not come me neere.


I rose, & vvalkt the streates to see
If my soule could him find
Whom I did vvant, yet found I not
The day starre of my mind.


Thē rā I straight to those that teach
And vvatch, & vvaite for me
And sayd to thē cā ye shevve novve
Where I my loue might see.


And thus halfe spent vvith care, & cost,
My soule gan faint, & faile
Loe then my loue did shevve himselfe,
& vvould not let me quaile


The spouse speakes to Christ.


So that by a nevve acte of faith
I savve vvhere he vvas not.
We misse him in our beds of rest
The vvorld is not his lott.


The streets are strayts of cost, & care
Where vve doe lose him quite,
But in the vvord, & soule of man
We feele him in his might.


But vvhē I found him hold I tooke
Fast hold on him I layd,
Noe more to part vvith him at all
Then he to me thus sayd.