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Affrican Lights

I having gleaned thus ore Asia
Do now sayle down the Coasts to Affrica
To pick a Posy in the Gardens gay
That there did grow
In Egypt do these glorious flowers out shine
Cyrill at Alexandria his Shrine
Of Wealthy Learning, as a Rich Divine
Did now bestow
Proterius gave there Light, and Timothy
Calld Salophaciol full of Charity
Then John of Tabennesus, by and by
Whose Elders were now Isidore full meek
Peter and Athanasius Christs Sheep
With Charmosine did very wisely seeke
And mannage thus.
This Church was honourd with these Deacons too
Ischirion and Theodorus who
Performd their Offices as well also
They did attend
Pergamius then that did them follow here
Who governd Egypt once, prevaild with were
By Bizants Bishop then this Office t'steere
And to it bend.
Eusebius now at Pelusiam did preach
Gennadius at Hermopolis did teach
Antheon's ---ouses Peter Knave did reach
At Arsinoe.
Archebius rul'd at Panephesus
Whose piety did shine. Synesius
Now a Cyrenian Bishop Th'ophilus
Ordain'd also.
Aurelius' gold shines at Carthage here
Campolus followd him in holy geere
Then Quodvultdeus their bright pastor were
In times that frowne
Then Deo gratias Thomas. And that man
Of God Eugenius Whose Holy Fan
Wrought Healings, did the Arrian Mischiefe ban
And bandy down.


O Hippo now thy glory flaming shines
In pious Rayes sent from the Life and Lines
O'th'flowing Oracle: thy Agustines
Who shone in thee
In whom the Gospell Glory shown so bright
Through all the World as dazleth its sight
A Pillar and a Bulwork too of Light
Few like him bee.
Evodius a deeply learnd Divine
Did in Christ Cause now at Uzalus shine
Pampinias too the Utecenssian prime
Did now forth blaze
Victor at Utica and Vincent now
Culucita enjoy'd and th'Gospell plow
Aslepius the Bajensian held and how,
Its to his praise
Valerian at Abensa now denies
To give the Scriptures to their Enemies
At Abbirita Felix's labours rise
And do him spend
At Tamalluna, Habetdeum who
Christs Champion in sharp scourges up did grow
And Antonine at Constantina loe
Did Truth befriend.
The Bizacenian Province now did ware
The glory of the ministry most rare
Now of Donatian and Crestonius faire
In holy wise
Now at Milexitum Severus rose
Philologus at Bizacene up grows
Junilius Choice but where he sat none shows
His fame did rise.
At Justinople out Primasius shone
And Casulanus from his youth up grown
In piety. And Boniface was known
A Bishop wise
Numedia's Crown doth ware these Pearles full bright,
Xanthippus, Valentine, Restitute tite
Megally, Possidonius th'Upright
That truth proclaim'd
Alepius great Aug'stines mate a Rose
Grew at Tagasta and Christs Truth disclose
Delphinus in Numedia's Churches shows
Christs Cause mentain'd
Such Holy Jems pale Mauritania's Crown
At Castella Chimes Cereall's renown
Voconius the Maul there that knocks down
All Heresies
Victor at Cartenna now plays the man
Donatus too the Salicinian
Who with his Church how from novatians ran
In godly wise
This glorious Light did bless the Ilands where
In Sicily Paschasinus shone Cleare
And Hilary at Syracuse too there
Did preach Christs Name


Justinian too: at Crete to Cyrillus,
Euseby and Gennadius, and thus
At Delos, Sabine and Timotheus
Doloche's gain
At Chios Triphon and Parally shine
At Cyprus now's Olympius the Divine
Sparitius follows him with his sweet line
Of Heavenly light.
At Rhodos rose Hellanious with beams
At Lesbos and at Tenedos John gleams
Florentius too, with shining Gospell streams
To banish night.