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Poems Divine, and Humane

By Thomas Beedome

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Epigram 19. A Complaint of his separation from his Mistris, caused by his friends injunction.

Deare Heart, remember that sad hower,
When we were forc't to part,
How on thy cheekes I wept a shower,
With sad and heavy heart;
About thy waste my Armes did twist,
Oh! then I sight, and then I kist:
Ten thousand feares and joyes in one,
Did such distraction frame,
As if the livelesse world would runne
To Chaos backe againe.
Whilst my poore heart, amidst these feares;
Lay bathed in my milke warme teares.

Ah then I thought, and thinking wept,
How friends and fate did lower,
On thee Leander, how they kept
Thee from thy Heroes Tower,
While thunder groand, and heaven did weepe
To rocke thy sence in silent sleepe.
But fate must unresisted stand,
Oh who can it oppose?
Necessiti's a Tyrant, and
No meane in mischiefe knowes;
Else might my fairer Love and I
Unsever'd live, till one did dye.
Just so the hungry Infant from
His Mothers dugge is tane,
When his weake arme's yet spread along.
More dulcid milke to gaine;
And nothing brings the babe to rest,
Untill he sleepe upon her brest.
Thus being banisht from my Love,
And forc't to leave her sight.
No thoughts but those of her can move
In me the least delight;
But like true steele my heart doth pant,
To touch the long'd-for Adamant.
Oh let no storme of discontent
Be clouded in your browes,
Deare friends that have my being lent,
Give being to my vowes

I will much engage my heart, if when
I say shee's mine, you'le say Amen.
Such kindnesse to our true love showne,
Shall binde us doubly then your owne.