University of Virginia Library

From this time forward solemnly we vow
To wait on sacred Lovers, whilst they plough
The vast Gulphes back; it plainely shall appeare
We will retreat, as glad to see them there;
We will concurre in one, both Sea and Wind,
To make their speedly passage safe, and kind.
I Sea will smooth my buncht brow, and invite
Their blessed eyes, to see how I delight
To bear their weight, and joyntly with them prove
Zealous adorer of the Queene of Love.
And I the Wind (to storme forgotten quite)
Will whisper new joyes to rich Amphitrite,
And in so mild a breath Ile tell my Tale,
As it shall onely fill their swelling sayle.
And I the Sea, will boyle officiously
To bring them to their harbours, whilst sad I
Lament their absence, and dissolve to teares,
And rather drowne my selfe then them with feares: