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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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A new yeares gift.

Interl. Charites, and the Author.

This Morning as J from my rest araize,
And went to walke into the open Air,
I peradventure met whereon J gaize,
Thrie minzard Maids, all wonderfullie fair:
Their Robs a like, replendant rich and rair,
Whereat I was more moved to admire,
Who they shold be, whence from they came, & whair
They at that time, intended to retire:
Whill thus on them, like one but life I looke,
One forward came, and be the sleif Me shooke.

Where be thy minde, when thou art musing thus?
Why stonish'd stands thou? we intreat thee tell?
Quod one, what wonders hes thou seene on vs,
That maks thee so, for to forget thy sell,
Art thou inchanted be some Magick spell?
Or thinks thou vs of that accursed crew?
With Lucifer, that from the Heaven down fell,
And now art come to vex and wearie yow:
Or why is it, so stupefact thou stands,
Without so much as moving head or hands.

I mis-regarde, not such thrie fair, so far
Nor doe I thinke, the forme of those and thine:
For to be such, as you haue said, that ar,
Appeirandlie, Jmmortall and Divine,
Swa that sweet Saints, this musing is of mine,
A moldie grosnes, in my mortall eies,
Which can not see, nor suffer for to shyne,
Your glorie great, for their infirmities:
And with my selfe, I am debaitting who
Thy selfe should be, and thy Companions two.

Recall thy sprits, thy musing then remoue,
Debar all doubts, and wit thou this that wee
Are called Faith, strong Hope, and constant Loue,
Of IOVA just, th'vndoubted Daughters three,
Come of Intention for to talke with thee,
And giue thee some directions thou must doo,
For thou of vs, art the appointed hee
To beare Imbassage, or our blessing too,
A much respected honorable Pair,
Thus it in few, deliver and declair.
J Loue, the first, and greatest of the Graces,
Saluts them say, conjunct and severall,
And promies them with all my friendl' embraces,
Prosperitie and Peace perpetuall,
And I, quod Faith, adds to the former All,
A working quick, and justifeing Faith.
And I quod Hope, my Anchor sends, which shall
Sustaine them surelie, in the Seas of Death:

For be it, and, with what, thir two haue giuen,
Their Ancring shall, be happie into heuin.
Now Friend we deeme, dissolued is thy doubt,
Since thou of vs, hes got a knowledge cleir,
And we (because, th'Anuall course is out,
And this day enters the succeeding zeir,
Haue purposed vnto Thee to appeir,)
And chusd The to, make manifest our minde,
Vnto that two, that we doe hold so deir,
And hes their Hearts, into one brest combind,
Who mutually, shall linked liue, and die,
Full of our Hope, our Faith, and Charitie,