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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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Yet is there hope, then Loue but play thy part;
Remember well thy selfe, and thinke on me;
Shine in those eyes which conquer'd haue my heart,
And see if mine, be slacke to answer thee.
Lodge in that breast, and pitty moouing see,
For flames which in mine burne in truest smart,
Exciling thoughts, that touch Inconstancy,
Or those which waste not in the constant Art.
Watch but my sleepe, if I take any rest,
For thought of you, my spirit so distrest,
As pale and famish'd, I for mercy cry.
Will you your seruant leaue? thinke but on this,
Who weares Loue's Crowne, must not doe so amisse
But seeke their good, who on thy force doe lye.