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Meditations. Memoratiues. By Elizabeth Grymeston

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Beati quorum remissæ sunt.

O how much blest may they remaine,
That pardon for their guilt obtaine,
And whose great ill, and ech offence,
Lies hid in contrite penitence!
What happy state may he be in,
To whom our Lord imputes no sin,
Whose conscience doth no guile retaine,
That can himselfe beguile againe?
I did my sinnes in silence holde,
In griefe whereof my bones grew olde:
Meane while my dayes in plaints of paine,
Without redresse, I spent in vaine.
But when, O Lord, thy heauy hand
No day or night I could withstand,
But that in anguish ouerworne,
My conscience prickt as with a thorne:
Loe then, O Lord, I did beginne
To vtter all my secret sinne,
No longer list I ought conceale,
But ech in iustice to reueale.
Against my selfe, I sayd, will I
My wrongs confesse, and faults defie:
To thee, O Lord, O Lord to thee,
That hast from all absolued me.
And since I thus thy mercies finde,
Let ech of good and godly minde
Approch to thee in happy time,
To pray for pardon of his crime.

For such as so do sincke in sin,
That still they plunged lie therein,
Vnable are of thee to gaine
What contrite sinners can obtaine.
O Lord, my refuge rests in thee,
When troubles do enuiron me:
O free me then, my freedomes ioy,
From such as seeke me to annoy.
Great comforts, Lord, I do conceaue,
Thou me thy seruant wilt not leaue:
But wilt instruct and guide me right,
And keepe me euer in thy sight.
O ye that carelesse are of grace,
Beholde, and see your brutish case,
And be not as the horse and mule,
That liue deuoid of reasons rule.
And thou, O Lord, in mercies rife,
Vouchsafe restraine their straying life,
With bit and bridle make them stay,
That vnto thee will not obey.
Since that for those of sinfull trade
Full many scourges there be made,
Well's him that doth in God repose,
Whose mercies may his soule enclose.
Be therefore ioyfull in our Lord,
All that to righteousnesse accord;
Let ech with gladnesse beare his part,
That hath a pure and perfect hart.
All glory be, O Lord, to thee;
And to thy Sonne in like degree,
As also to the Holy Ghost
Perpetuall and enduring most.