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[XXIV. Perhaps a dream; yet surely truth has beamed]

Perhaps a dream; yet surely truth has beamed
Oft from the gate of dreams upon the brain;
As on yon mountain, black with thunder-rain,
To-day, through cloudy clefts, the glory streamed.
Why do men doubt, and balance, and disdain,
Where she, the gentler spirit, seeks to skim
Light from the vague,—though thick the shadows swim;
Still counting what she may not all explain,—
Not to be lost, or lightly disesteemed,—
Though cloudy of shape it seem, and meaning dim?
Did Manoah's wife doubt ere she showed to him
The angel standing in the golden grain?
Had Deborah fear? or was that Vision vain
That Actia, Arlotte, and Mandanè dreamed?