University of Virginia Library


UUS Book Exchange table every
Thursday 11:30 - 1:00 p.m., 2nd
floor of Newcomb Hall.

T.I.L.K.A. meeting – Thursday, Phi
Pal Hous, 9 p.m.

U.Va. Riding Club meeting
Thursday Newcomb Hall, Room 4A
at 7 p.m. All "Happy Hoofers" are

U.Va. Sailing Assoc. – Beg. lessons,
Wed., Oct. 25, Newcomb 4A, 8
p.m., & Thurs., Oct. 26, Newcomb
Ballroom 8 p.m.

Grunts, REMFs. others interested
in rapping with D. C. Vietnam
Veterans Against the War
coordinator, comt to Rm. 4A
Newcomb Hall, Thursday, 8:30

All McGovern volunteers are urged
to meet in the lounge at Emmet
House, Thursday, Oct. 26, at 6:45

International Club Social Hour,
Thursdays, 5-7 p.m., at
International Center, 21 University
Circle. Everyone welcome.

Meeting of Human Relations
Committee of Student Council on
Thurs. 8:00 in South Meeting
Room, Newcomb. All interested
please attend.