University of Virginia Library

In February, 1837, a party of Dahcotahs (Warpetonian)
fell in with Hole-in-the-Day, and his band. When Chippeways
and Dahcotahs meet there is generally bloodshed;
and, however highly Hole-in-the-Day may be esteemed as
a warrior, it is certain that he showed great treachery
towards the Dahcotahs on many occasions.

Now they met for peaceable purposes. Hole-in-the-Day
wished permission to hunt on the Dahcotah lands without
danger from the tomahawk of his enemies. He proposed
to pay them certain articles, which he should receive from
the United States Government when he drew his annuities,
as a return for the privilege he demanded.

The Dahcotahs and Chippeways were seated together.
They had smoked the pipe of peace. The snow had
drifted, and lay piled in masses behind them, contrasting
its whiteness with their dark countenances and their gay
ornaments and clothing. For some years there had been
peace between these two tribes; hating each other, as they
did, they had managed to live without shedding each
other's blood.

Hole-in-the-Day was the master spirit among the Chippeways.


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He was the greatest hunter and warrior in the
nation; he had won the admiration of his people, and they
had made him chief. His word was law to them; he
stood firmly on the height to which he had elevated himself.

He laid aside his pipe and arose. His iron frame
seemed not to feel the keen wind that was shaking the
feathers in the heads of the many warriors who fixed their
eyes upon him.

He addressed the Dahcotah warriors. “All nations,”
said he, “as yet continue the practice of war, but as for
me, I now abandon it. I hold firmly the hand of the
Americans. If you, in future, strike me twice or even
three times, I will pass over and not revenge it. If wars
should continue, you and I will not take part in them.
You shall not fight, neither will I. There shall be no
more war in that part of the country lying between Pine
Island and the place called Hanwi catintipi, (They shot
them in the night). Over this extent of country we will
hold the pipe firmly. You shall hold it by the bowl, and
we will hold it by the stem. The pipe shall be in your
keeping.” So saying, Hole-in-the-Day advanced and presented
the Dahcotahs with a pipe.

After a moment he continued his speech. “On account
of your misconduct, we did desire your death, and if you
had met us last winter to treat of peace, however great
your numbers, we should have killed you all. White men
had ordered us to do so, and we should have done it;
because the Mendewakantonwans had informed us that
you intended by treachery to kill us.”

The Dahcotah chief then replied to him saying, that the


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Dahcotahs were willing that the Chippeways should hunt
on their lands to the borders of the prairie, but that they
should not enter the prairie. The Chippeways then agreed
to pay them a large quantity of sugar, a keg of powder,
and a quantity of lead and tobacco.

After their engagement was concluded, Hole-in-the-Day
rose again and said, “In the name of the Great Spirit,
this peace shall be forever,” and, turning to Wandiokiya
(the Man that talks to the Eagle), a Dahcotah who had been
taught by the missionaries to read and write, requested
him to commit to writing the agreement which had just
been made.

Wandiokiya did so, and has since forwarded the writing
to the Rev. Mr. P—, who resides near Fort Snelling.
The Dahcotah adds, “We have now learned that the
object of Hole-in-the-Day was to deceive and kill us; and
he and his people have done so, showing that they neither
fear God nor the chief of the American people.

“In this manner they deceived us, deceived us in the
name of the Gods.

“Hole-in-the-Day led the band of murderers.
