![]() | Board of Visitors minutes October 9, 1998 | ![]() |
I. Title
The name of this body is the Clinch Valley College Board. The Clinch Valley College Board exists to serve the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia in fulfilling its statutory authority over Clinch Valley College of the University of Virginia.
II. Purpose and Duties
The purpose of the Clinch Valley College Board is to promote the sound development of the institution in accordance with policy, as set by the University's President and/or the Rector and Visitors. The Clinch Valley College Board also serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor of the College, the President of the University, and the Board of Visitors on matters pertaining to Clinch Valley College.
Actions taken by the Board of Visitors, raised or proposed by the College, are normally preceded by deliberation of the Clinch Valley College Board. The Chancellor is responsible for assuring that there has been deliberation by the Clinch Valley College Board on matters brought forward to the Board of Visitors.
A. Chancellor Search Process
In the event of a vacancy in the chancellorship, the Chair of the Clinch Valley College Board shall consult with and seek the advice of the University President, and make recommendations to the President of persons to serve on the search committee. The recommendations should include representatives of the Clinch Valley College Board, the faculty, the student body, and the alumni. Upon the establishment of the search committee, the President shall establish a budget, identify staff for the committee, and name a chair.
The search committee, through its chair, shall make a preliminary report to the President regarding the work of the committee at the time when the committee is beginning to develop a group of final candidates. After finalists have been-interviewed, the search committee shall provide a report for the full Clinch Valley College Board. The report should contain the names of not more than three candidates, who in the judgment of the search committee are fully qualified and have a continuing interest in the chancellorship.
The Clinch Valley College Board, following receipt of the report of the search committee, shall review the candidates and formally recommend, with its reasons, not more than three candidates from the search committee's report for final consideration by the President. The President shall have responsibility for designating a nominee for the chancellorship, and making a recommendation for formal election by the Board of Visitors. On the operational level, the Chancellor is directly responsible to the President.
B. Naming of Campus Facilities
The Clinch Valley College Board shall develop its own policies regarding the naming of campus facilities, and submit them to the Rector and Visitors for approval. The Chancellor shall make recommendations to the Clinch Valley College Board regarding such actions as appropriate. The Clinch Valley College Board shall have responsibility and authority for the naming of major campus facilities in accordance with the policy approved by the Board of Visitors.
C. Establishment of Tuition Rates for Kentucky Residents
Section 23.7.4:2 (f) of the Code of Virginia provides that the Clinch Valley College Board and the Board of Visitors "may charge reduced tuition to any person enrolled at Clinch Valley College who lives within a fifty-mile radius of the College, is domiciled in, and is entitled to in-state tuition
D. Other Duties
The Clinch Valley College Board shall also be responsible for any tasks or other duties delegated to it by the Board of Visitors or the President of the University.
III. Composition and Appointment
The Clinch Valley College Board shall be composed of not fewer than nine, and not more than 17 persons, to be appointed by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia upon the recommendation of the President of the University. At least two-thirds members shall be residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and at least one-third shall be alumni of Clinch Valley College. Members of the faculty or staff of Clinch Valley College shall not be eligible for membership on the Clinch Valley College Board.
In addition, the Rector, the Chair of the Clinch Valley College Committee of the Board of Visitors, the President of the University, and the President of the CVC Alumni Association shall serve as voting ex-officio members of the Clinch Valley College Board.
IV. Terms of Office
Members shall be appointed to serve terms of four years. Terms shall be staggered to provide continuity, up to five members being appointed each year by the Board of Visitors. The Board of Visitors may make appointments of fewer than four-year terms to fill unexpired vacancies and when changing the number of members of the Clinch Valley College Board. No one shall serve more than two consecutive, full terms.
Terms shall commence July 1, and end on June 30.
V. Officers, Organization, Executive Committee
At the last regular meeting of the year, the Clinch Valley College Board shall elect a chair and vice chair. The chair shall be elected for a two-year term and the vice chair for a one-year term. The chair-shall call all meetings of the Board, and shall be the presiding officer. The chair shall have such powers and duties as may be assigned to her/him from time to time by the President and Board of Visitors. The vice chair shall serve in the absence of the chair. In addition, the Clinch Valley College Board shall elect one of its members to formally serve as the secretary of the Board. The Board shall elect the chair, vice chair, and executive committee, and shall, if it desires, appoint a nominating committee for such. For all other purposes, the executive committee shall be the nominating committee.
Annually, the Clinch Valley College Board, upon recommendation of the Chancellor, shall elect a member of the College staff to serve as Clerk of the Board. The Clerk shall attend all meetings, and shall draft minutes of all proceedings. The Clerk shall work with the Clinch Valley College Board's secretary in finalizing minutes of all proceedings for action by the full Board, and shall assist the Clinch Valley College Board in the discharge of its duties.
At the last regular meeting of each year, the Clinch Valley College Board shall elect three of its voting members to serve with the chair and the vice chair as the executive committee. The executive committee shall meet upon the call of the chair, and between meetings of the Board it shall be vested with the powers and duties of the full Clinch Valley College Board. All such actions taken by the executive committee between meetings of the Clinch Valley College Board shall be reported to the full Clinch Valley College Board at the next annual or regular meeting. If confirmation is required, the action shall be confirmed and approved by the Board at that time.
VI. Committees of the Clinch Valley College Board
The Clinch Valley College Board may establish and charge such committees as may be necessary, proper, or convenient to carry out its duties. Additionally, the Clinch Valley College Board may, upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, establish advisory bodies to engage other citizens in support of the College, its mission, and its programs.
VII. Meetings
Meetings shall be of three kinds: an annual meeting, at least two regular meetings, and special meetings as called. The Clinch Valley College Board shall hold one annual meeting in each fiscal year on the campus of Clinch Valley College at a time to be determined by the executive committee. At the annual meeting, the Clinch Valley College Board shall receive a report from the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College on the state of the College and review and decide on such other matters as may come before it. There shall be such regular meetings as the Clinch Valley College Board may determine. The executive committee shall determine the time, date, and place of such meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chair or upon the request of five voting members. A quorum of the Board for the conduct of business shall consist of six voting members. For meetings of the executive committee a quorum shall consist of three voting members.
Notice of the annual meeting and all regular meetings of the Clinch Valley College Board shall be given at least 10 days in advance of the meeting. Notice of all special meetings shall be given at least five days in advance of such special meeting unless waived in writing by each member of the Board. Notice of meetings shall be provided by mail at the direction of the chair.
VIII. Compliance with the Commonwealth's Freedom of Information Act
The Clinch Valley College Board is a public body and as a result must comply with the Commonwealth of Virginia's Freedom of Information Act. Members of the Board shall be provided a copy of the Act by the Chancellor upon their appointment.
IX. Amendments to Bylaws
The Board of Visitors has the authority to effect changes in these Bylaws. Upon reasonable notice, recommendations for changes may come from the Clinch Valley College Board, or from the Board or Visitors. Recommendations from the Clinch Valley College Board for changes in the Bylaws must come as a result of the vote of two-thirds of the members in attendance at an annual or regular meeting of the Clinch Valley College Board.
X. Revocation of Previous Bylaws
All previous Bylaws are revoked upon the approval of these Bylaws by the Board of Visitors.
XI. Removal of Members
When any member fails to perform the duties of his or her office for one year without sufficient cause shown to the Clinch Valley College Board, the Clinch Valley College Board shall at its next meeting after the end of such year, cause the fact of such failure to be recorded in the minutes of its proceedings and certify the same to the Board of Visitors, and the office of such local board member shall be thereupon vacant.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes October 9, 1998 | ![]() |