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MAY THE 12th1619 A Court held for Virginia at Mr. Ferrars Howse in St. Sithes Lane, Being Present
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MAY THE 12th1619
A Court held for Virginia at Mr. Ferrars
Howse in St. Sithes Lane, Being Present

The Right hoble͠  The Earle of Southampton. 
The Earle of Warwick. 
Sr Edwin Sandis Knt Tr̃er. 
Sr Dudley Diggs.  mr Io: fferrar Dp̃ty.  mr Wheatly. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Thorpe.  mr Swinhowe 
Sr Hen: Rainsford.  mr Tomlins.  mr Chambers. 
Sr Edward Harwood.  mr Dr Gulston.  mr Hen. Briggs. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Oxenbrigg.  mr Berblock. 
Sr Io:Wolstenholme.  mr Tho Gibbs.  mr Geo: Smith 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Rogers.  mr Meuerell, etc. 
Sr Tho: Wilford.  mr Nicho fferrar. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Gabriell Barbor. 

It was propounded by mr. Tr̃er that for as much as there hath beene
heretofore two seuerall Comittees appointed by the Court; The first
for making of Orders for the Company, & for matter of Graunts and
Pattents of Land; And [4] the other for the setting downe the duty
of euery perticuler Office, that therefore whither they thought it not
expedient, that there should be a third Comittee appointed to take the
labors of both the former Comittees into considerac̃on, who by adding
them together, and supplying what may seeme defectiue, may reduce
them into one entire body to be presented to the next Quarter Court
for confirmac̃on if they shall see cause. Wch Proposic̃on the Court
haue condiscended vnto, and to that end haue desired

Sr Dudley Diggs.  Sr Iohn Wolstenholme. 
Sr Edward Harwood.  mr Alder̃ Iohnson & 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Iohn Wroth. 
to meete vpon ffriday seavenight being the 21th of this instant at Sr
Edwin Sandis howse at seauen of the Clock in the morning.


Mr. Treasurors second Proposic̃on was, that there might be another
Comittee for the constituting of Lawes and setling of a forme of Gov-
ernemt ouer all Virginia, appointing Magistrates and Officers there-
vnto, and expressing their seuerall dueties: wch the Court generally
did very well approue of and haue nominated the former Comittee,
and licenced any of the Counsell to repair vnto them, and to haue
their voice, and haue added of the Company to be assisting Sr Thomas
Wroth, mr Thomas Gibbs, mr Dr Gulson, Captaine Bingham, mr Wm
Essington, mr Edward Ditchfield, mr Thomas Kightley, mr Wm Caninge,
mr Henry Briggs and mr. Thomas Wheatley to meet at the same time
and place vpon ffriday ffourtenight being the 28th of this instant.

Mr. Thr̃er intimated to the Court, that whereas Sr Thomas Smith at
the resigning vp his place should report that there was —4000li for
the new Treasuror to enter vpon, he now signified that it was true if
the Lotteries were dissolued and the account giuen vp: but in the
interim there resteth but One thousand poundes in Cash the rest in
Stock remayning in the hands of him that hath the managing of the
busines, and out of this there is debts to pay, and wch shortly wilbe due
to pay the some of—3700li—vĩztt old poun debts of Ten yeares old 1800li
and att the returne of the Shipps Sr Geo: Yeardley went in, and the
other wherein the Children was transported will amount to—1148li
as also 700li—wch is owing to the Collecc̃on mony, wch by warrant hath
beene yssued out for the vse of the Company; And therefore it was
putt to the question whither the Stock remayning should goe or not
to the payment of the Companies debts, wch was by erecc̃on of handℯ
allowed that it should. And further agreed that the remaynder
should be employed either in sending men to the Publique Land to
rayse benefitt that wayes or in transporting of Cattle, wch hereafter
may seeme fittest.

And forasmuch as there is now remayning in the hands of Gabriell
Barbor much old plate wch if the Lottaries were finished, the Com-
pany thereby should sustayne great Losse: It was therefore now
ordered (vnlesse some can giue iust informac̃on of any perticu-
ler abuse) that the same shall continue to be drawne out till
the last of Nouember next ensuing & then to cease and determine. [5]


And forasmuch as Sr Thos. Smith is very importunate for the speedy
auditing of his Acco and to that end hath desired some others to be
associated vnto the Auditors namely, mr Morris Abbott, mr Humph:
Handford, and mr Anthony Abdy: It is therefore ordered, that if he
so please these three shalbe annexed vnto them, either as Auditors or
as assistants to see the passage of the busines, that Sr Thomas Smith
haue noe wrong: but if it be his pleasure to allowe of them to be
Auditors, then the next Quarter Court they to take their Oaths for the
preventing of all partiallity, and mr Thomas Keightly is also chosen to
be associated to the Auditors and to take his oath. And in asmuch as
the great paines allready spent by the Auditors hath gayned to them
selues a more perfect vnderstanding than those wch shall newly enter
cann be capable of. Therefore it was moued that Three of the old
Auditors might be of the Coram, and that nothing should be concluded
wthout two at least of their consents; Wch Proposic̃on was well allowed,
and mr. Thr̃er, Sr Io: Dãuers and mr. Wroth being thereto nominated,
and put to the question, it was by erecc̃on of handℯ confirmed.

Captaine Brewster hauing formerly by way of appeale deliuered vnto
the Court a certaine writing touching the proceedings of Captaine
Samuell Argoll against him at the arriual of the Neptune in Virginia,
and the manner of his tryall, and being at this Court ready to mayn-
tayne the same, and to obiect other grievances against him, he was
wished rather to forbeare till the said Captaine Argoll were prsent: and in the interim haue thought it convenient to deliuer vnto the said
Captaine Argoll a coppy of the said writing of Appeale to make answere
vnto the same, and haue appointed him to put in his other Articles
vpon ffriday morning next to mr Thr̃er and mr Deputy to be by them
pervsed and deliuered into the next Cort, and the next Quarter Court
to heare the Appeale.

Lieftenant Stokes made request vnto the Court, that they would please
in reguard of the Adventure of his person and his Long time spent in
Virginia to bestowe some Land vpon him there for the same; wch they
found to be now noe convenient time for that purpose; but if at ye next
Qr Court he procure it to be moued for him, that Court will take thereof
due considerac̃on.