University of Virginia Library


[Saviour, Thou need'st not say]

At that day ye shall ask in My name, &c. —xvi. 26.

Saviour, Thou need'st not say
Thou wilt the Father pray:
More than words Thy kindness prove,
Showers of never-ceasing grace
Show that Thou art heard above,
Advocate for all our race.
Thy prayer the world sustains,
And keeps from hellish pains:
Blessings on the saints it sheds,
Living streams of righteousness,
Answers all Thy people's needs,
Fills their hearts with power and peace.
Thy prayer I daily feel
Seal'd with Thy Spirit's seal:
Yes, the Comforter I find
Helping mine infirmity,
Bringing all Thy words to mind,
Witnessing Thy love for me.
Through Him empower'd I am
To ask in Jesus' name:
Father, save for Jesus' sake
Thine, who would continue Thine,
Till I yield my spirit back,
Purchase dear of blood Divine.