CHAPTER XVI. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||
[The long-predicted things]
But these things have I told you, that when, &c.
—xvi. 4.
The long-predicted things
Fulfill'd we daily find,
And bless the' accomplishment which brings
Thy sayings to our mind:
We thus our strength renew,
And more than conquerors prove,
Assured, O God, that Thou art true,
That Thou art Power and Love.
Fulfill'd we daily find,
And bless the' accomplishment which brings
Thy sayings to our mind:
We thus our strength renew,
And more than conquerors prove,
Assured, O God, that Thou art true,
That Thou art Power and Love.
Opposed by earth and hell,
Their impotence we see,
The' infernal gates cannot prevail
Against Thy church and Thee:
The world we see o'erthrown,
The' accusing fiend subdued,
Triumphant through Thy word alone
Thy Spirit and Thy blood.
Their impotence we see,
The' infernal gates cannot prevail
Against Thy church and Thee:
The world we see o'erthrown,
The' accusing fiend subdued,
Triumphant through Thy word alone
Thy Spirit and Thy blood.
CHAPTER XVI. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||