University of Virginia Library



------ “Waits till the ship already in sight be free
To bear him back to his far natal shore,—
Back through the darkness and the awful sea.”
—Philip Bourke Marston

Yes, this is our reward.—Not life's fair dreams,
But the new-wakened and majestic sense
That after silent years of pain intense
Light, marvellous light, behind the hill-top gleams.
Not by life's pleasant blossom-bordered streams
To find our long-delayed large recompence,
But in soul-thrilling joy that through the dense
Dark worldly clogging air with golden beams
Darts on a sudden downward:—the wild hope
That not much longer shall this pain endure,—
This agony of fierce desire to cope
With all love's foes in wrestle close and sure;
That Fate shall free, ere long, our long-leashed breath
For the great charge along the slopes of death.