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[Father, Thy name be sanctified!]

Herein is My Father glorified, that ye, &c. —xv. 8.

Father, Thy name be sanctified!
Thy nature to my soul declare,
So shall I in the Vine abide,
And fruit unto Thy glory bear;
A witness of redeeming grace,
O might I in Thy Spirit live,
Abound in works of righteousness;
And Thou shalt all the praise receive.


One only work on earth I have,
One only means Thy praise to show,
My own and others' souls to save
Is all my business here below:
I live Thy mercy's minister
Myself to second life restored,
A genuine child of God appear,
A true disciple of my Lord.
So let my light to others shine,
That they my works of faith may see,
With wonder own they are not mine,
But wrought by Thy great power in me:
The' effects of Thy triumphant grace
O might they all adore and prove,
And born again my Father praise,
The' almighty God of faithful love.