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[While the power of faith I prove]

If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, &c. —xv. 7.

While the power of faith I prove,
I still abide in Thee,
While Thy words, O Lord, I love,
Thy words abide in me:
Strangely on my mind impress,
That thence they never may depart;
Grave the truth of righteousness
For ever on my heart.


Fruit of faith and charity,
The prevalence of prayer,
Prayer, which all obtains from Thee,
Abundant fruit shall bear:
Prayer its principle maintains,
The faith by which our spirit lives,
All Thy promises it gains,
And all Thy life receives.
Praying on for faith's increase
In every grace we grow,
Reach the finish'd holiness,
And to perfection go;
One with Thee by faith and love
We ask and have whate'er we will,
Till we from the vale remove,
And find Thee on the hill.