University of Virginia Library

HYMN 152. (C. M.) Sinai and Sion, Heb. xii. 18, &c.


Not to the terrors of the Lord,
The tempest, fire, and smoke,
Not to the thunder of that word
Which God on Sinai spoke;


But we are come to Sion's hill,
The city of our God,
Where milder words declare his will,
And spread his love abroad.


Behold th'innumerable host
Of angels cloth'd in light!
Behold the spirits of the just,
Whose faith is turn'd to sight!


Behold the bless'd assembly there,
Whose names are writ in heaven;
And God the judge of all declares
Their vilest sins forgiv'n.


The saints on earth and all the dead
But one communion make;
All join in Christ their living head,
And of his grace partake.


In such society as this
My weary soul would rest;
The man that dwells where Jesus is,
Must be for ever blest.