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The seasons round their yearly ring
From June to June-tide twice she had seen,
The day that brought her visiting
My blossom-belted garden-green,
Where dew shines clear and thrushes sing.
For her an offering meet I chose
From flowers of rich and odorous garb:
Fragrant and softly flushed a rose,
Whose stem bore never a thorny barb,
Whereon the elfin hand might close.
Think not the gift with scorn was met,
Though eager fingers, swift and deft,
Each petal from the coronet
Of golden stamens plucked, nor left
A single plume to grace it set.


For one by one with dainty glee
She smelled them, ere they fluttered down,
Shell-curven wings, gem-hued, set free,
That should no more the fairy crown
Enfold of delicate filagree.
What though they needs must float away
On waft of breeze? 'Twas gentler doom
To pass undimmed as jewel's ray
Than drooping slow forget the bloom
Made joyance in a child's long day.
Still undefamed by hours that slur
With slanderous show of frail and fleet
All breathing beauty; aye, for her
This rose was only red and sweet,
And who may to its praise demur?
Haply if here were Paradise,
Skill had been mine to range aright
The strewn leaves in their olden wise,
Building anew the blossom bright
Till none should trace of harm surmise.


Yet there, perchance, to mend or mar
Were idle task of foolish thought,
Since changeless as a steadfast star
The flower that from us fades is wrought
Eternally in realms afar.
Nor more endures of loss or dole,
Though rent before our eyes it seem,
Than if faint breaths that near us stole
Made quiver upon the mirroring stream
Some crystal shadow of its soul.