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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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407. Come and Welcome.
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407. Come and Welcome.


Sinner! view the gospel feast,
For the greatest and the least;
He who spreads the bounteous board,
Is our Saviour, and our Lord!
Hear him cry, to you and me,
Come and welcome! all is free!
All who seek to enter there,
May partake the ample fare.


Slaves and captives, bound by sin,
Freely you may enter in!
Now the veil is cast aside,
Since the Lord of Glory died!
If at length you feel your need,
And the blood of sprinkling plead,
While the word of heaven endures,
All the promises are yours;


Whilst you bear the Saviour's name,
Turn no more to sin and shame!
If, from nature, call'd by grace,
You are a peculiar race:
Let the cleansing power divine,
Still conspicuous in you shine;
And your lamp more bright appear,
As your end is drawing near.