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Come, hallow the goblet with something more true
Than the words we forget in a minute,
For the toast is to wine, as the flower to the dew,
And lends all the sweetness that's in it!
Then fill—for a worthier toast ne'er was found
Since man clung to man, like a brother;
'Tis this—and oh! let its whole spirit go round!—
Here's—“The heart that can feel for another!”
'Tis a sentiment sacred to every breast
That knows how uncertain's the morrow;
And that gleams of the goblet are seldom the best
To brighten our moments of sorrow!
No! tis when misfortune and misery frown,
And our griefs are too heavy to smother,
That we prove the best toast that the banquet may crown,
Is—“The heart that can feel for another.”