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Seven fresh acorns on the lea,
Browned by summer's fiery glow,
Newly fallen from the tree,
Fit to plant, and apt to grow;
But six of seven shall rot and die,
And never flourish to the sky,
Or feel the breezes as they blow,
Choose the six—select the one—
Fool! you cannot! Fate must run!


Seven sharp daggers, newly made,
Each the other's counterpart,
Each the same in sheath and blade,
Point and edge and workman's art;
And yet by Destiny's command,
One shall fill a murderer's hand,
And stab a true man to the heart!
Choose the one—reject the rest—
Fool! you cannot! Fate knows best!



Seven young maidens at the ball,
Radiant as the new May morn,
Blithe and joyous, one and all,
With lips of love, or eyes of scorn;
Yet four of seven, when wedded wives,
Shall make their husbands curse their lives,
And rue the hour that they were born.
Show the four—select the three—
Fool! you may not! Live and see!