University of Virginia Library



Αι, αι, ται μαλαχαι μεν επαν κατα καπον ολωνται.”
Mosch. Epit. in Bion. v. 106.

“Ah, mallows in the garden die,
Parsley, and blooming dill,
Yet waken'd by the vernal sky
Again their course fulfil.
While we, the wise, the strong, the brave,
Have no fresh spring in store;
But silent in the hollow grave
Sleep on for evermore.”
“Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust; for thy dew is as the dew of herbs.” Is. xxvi. 19.

O mole-eyed slow philosopher,
Is this thy wisdom's reach,
To read thus wrong each character
Which Nature's self doth teach!
When resurrection is the tale
Writ on the sky and earth,
Creation's lord alone to fail,
And have no second birth!